
Long Live The King of Thailand

Today,I have changed my main topic posting "Thailand car news "due to there is special day in Thailand for our great king. On behalf of Thailand car news blog owner and my home join with the people of Thailand in humbly extending warm wishes to His Majesty The King on the occasion of his birthday. May he continue to reign over his people in health and happiness.


During an elaborate and ancient coronation ceremony in 1950, the world's hardest - working monarch famously proclaimed that "I shall reign with righteousness for the happiness and benefit of the Siamese people."

For over six decades, His Majesty the King has devoted himself to improve the livelihood of his people. He also gave up a part of his Chitralada Palace to establish the royal research and demonstration center to conduct countless experiments for the sake of his subjects.

His Majesty has travelled to every nook and cranny in the country to listen to his subjects' problems and to restore the poor's livelihood with his simple yet visionary and pragmatic philosophy of self - sufficiency. Some of His Majesty's royal initiatives that guide the country to the sustainable path include the rice development project, royal rain, new agricultural theory, Chaipattana aerator, use of vetiver grass to prevent soil degradation and erosion, royal projects, iodine deficiency control project, lung disease and Tuberculosis (TB) prevention campaign, and development of alternative energy.

More than 3,000 royal innovations initiated by His Majesty the King in the areas of water and forest management, agriculture, and innovation are highly acclaimed by many international organizations worldwide. On top of that, United Nations (UN) also first presented the UNDP's Human Development Lifetime Achievement Award to His Majesty the King - Thailand's most - loved guiding light. His Majesty the King, the praiseworthy idol for many people around the world, is the first person in the world who receives such an honorable award.

